The Day Care Dilemma Summary

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Throughout the article The Day Care Dilemma, Melinda Moyer describes parent’s decisions about whether to have their child stay in a childcare facility, or stay at home. She compared research she found online, trying to find whether they were reliable sources, and compare/contrast parent’s views on their child’s education. Many family’s opinions are controversial as they feel that their child would fare better education wise by being taught at home, or being surrounded in a daycare atmosphere. Researches such as those from the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), have shown that: “Kids enrolled in high quality child care given by nonrelatives develop slightly better cognitive and language skills—as measured at various points in their lives, all the way up through age 15- than do kids in low-quality care.” In my opinion, this fact is true because those who are taught by educated teachers are more likely to earn the skills they need in order to …show more content…

These effects include being more disobedient through age 4 ½ (and through the sixth for kids from center-based care); having poorer academic habits and social skills in the third grade; and being and taking more risks at age 15.” This statement I disagree with fully. Students at a childcare center are taught behavioral skills by their teachers that they take on with them as they get older. Children in third grade are going to be more behaved and have better academic habits because they develop these skills overtime! Once the rules and expectations are taught to children, they know what they need to do academic and behavioral wise. Keeping students at home will not help them develop acceptable behavioral attitudes and academic methods they need once they get into

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