The Dark Night Of The Soul Analysis

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The literate arts benefit those who wish to remain in their thoughts and those who hope to transcend the realm of learned thought. In The Dark Night of the Soul, Richard Miller approaches the intricacies of today’s writing practices through the analysis of complex works, taking special care to allow room for fluid interpretation. This fluid interpretation is the exact freedom which allows one to answer “What might the literate arts be good for?” (446); the question answered at the exposition. An answer which falls short in encompassing the social, moral, and cultural aspects of comprehension and higher understanding resultant of a work and its ability to influence and cajole understanding. A wandering individual, when faced with incomplete …show more content…

Miller, using Mary Karr’s The Liar’s Club, displays how memoirs can be “both for evoking and for making sense of the past” while “generat[ing] a sense of possibility” (437). The hope for the future inspired by the past is an aspect of the literate arts which cannot be understated. The ability for faith to be reinforced or cynicism to be reversed is a powerful thing. Miller’s statement of a memoir’s ability to “construct a sense of hope and optimism atop the ruins of the world” (441) shows that the literate arts can benefit those who remain in their thoughts. In White Wine in the Sun, Tim Minchin displays a hopeful optimism at the conclusion of his album which previously encouraged the disregard for the mundaneness of the world. This hopeful optimism provides for the audience the “sense of self and a sense of connection between self and society” (442) Miller cites the institutions surrounding us normally foster. Tim cuts through the family, the school, the church and connects with the audience on a level deeper than the facades that some see as being these institutions. He uses the literate arts to surpass these institutions and make clear connection which is …show more content…

Beyond translating ideas from thought to paper, the literate arts educate and inspire. The statement made has already been confirmed. “If there is to be lasting hope for the future of higher education, that hope can only be generated by confronting our desolate world and its threatening, urgent realities. The only way through is out” (442). The literate arts, the body of written works of a language, period of culture culminate to form and foster new ideas as well as maintain old. The sharing of ideas through social, moral, and cultural interaction online and in person spread optimism and encourage change in the status

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