The Dangers Of Distracted Driving Essay

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The Dangers of Distracted Driving New technologies that are interactive are increasingly becoming sources of distractions, and people are becoming more focused to devices resulting to reduced focus on the roads when behind the wheel. This distracted driving is becoming an alarming issue on the roads. According to experts, the average time taken to send or text a message on the phone is 4.6 and this is enough to cover a distance of a football field while driving at an average speed of 55 mph. And even though texting and driving at the same time as well as using phones for novice drivers has been banned, there is an increased number of auto accidents that are as a result of distracted driving. More than 3000 people died in 2010 due to distracted driving in Tennessee alone, and more people sustain injuries every year. The danger is more pronounced among the inexperienced drivers and the young drivers according to experts. In addition …show more content…

The number two source of distraction was the use of mobile phones. This contributed to 12 percent of accidents in Tennessee. The experts recommended that programs of graduated licensing should be utilized more so as to prevent carrying of too many passengers by the teen drivers and also preventing them from texting or talking on their mobile phones. Personal injury claims Due to the increase in accidents caused by distracted driving, more claims are made in relation to distracted driving. Talking to a personal injury attorney when you are involved in an accident with a distracted driver is one important step towards finding justice. This should be done soonest possible. If the driver was distracted, the victims of the accidents are entitled to higher compensations which can be of great help in covering the medical expenses and the damages caused following an

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