The Dangers Of Concussions In Professional Sports

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Boom. You feel your ears ringing and your eyes go dark. You have just been concussed, though in a few second you feel you can get right back into it. You stand up and get ready to step back into the belly of the beast. At this point your coach should pull you from playing. What they do when they pull you out is what can make or break a career or life. This is what happened to me last summer during my MMA training. I got caught with a right hook from one of the best in the gym. I went down for a few seconds but stood up and tried to continue the fight. My coach made the best decision that night and made me sit out for the rest of practice and I was lucky he did. By the time I returned home I had the worst head pains I have ever had and I still get weird headaches to this day. Imagine if my coach had put me back in that night, I could have received long term(other than headaches) injuries. Coaches and staff should keep kids out of play even if the injury isn't 'serious' enough. It is not a matter of whether not I can tough it out or get over it, teen athletes need time to heal to fully recover from big hits. …show more content…

This responsibility fall on the coach and staff to take care of. When a player comes off of the field with a concussion, major or minor, they should be seen by professionals. That professional should give the call if a player should go back onto the field, not the coach. Since healing time varies it would be a safer bet to keep a kid off of the field for at least 24 hours(article

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