The Culture Of Multipersonal Communication In Society And Society

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2. Culture and race
Differentiated on the basis of human culture is the culture of communal communication plays a significant part. Culture can be defined as '' the forms of things that people There seems,, perceiving their models for related or Otherwise, explain to them '' ( the time period of the society and the society 2005). People communicate with each other by using cultural Historicall, the existence of geographic features in Groups they (Kluckhohn and Kelly1945) belong. (Ahmad Musa 1974) defines culture as: Culture conceived as a system of shared competence, its broad design and deeper principles, and varying in, in specificity between individuals, not all of what a person knows and thinks and feels about the world. It is his theory of his fellows, Faith, and the meaning of the code, I know the theory following the game, the community, being he was born in the ... (p 89). Society and the society of the time period (2005), the culture a separate collective programming of the mind from other groups of people. Culture also includes language, technology, economic, political and ...

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