Similarities Between Abbaid And Umayyad

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The Crusades, Dynasty’s and Silk Road
The Crusades were brought about by religious beliefs and the control of those beliefs among the people. The crusades started when Pope Urban II persuaded people to invade the Turks based on a “feeing the holy land” from the Muslims Turks, after the Turks had invaded the land.
The Pope banded together an army and headed toward Jerusalem. Pope Urban II persuaded those to go to war he promised that if anyone died they would go straight to heaven. When gathering the army to fight, those that fought were uneducated, poor and unable to fight. Little did they know that the journey itself would kill most of the men, the elements took lives before they even reached Jerusalem. In July of 1099 they arrived in Jerusalem …show more content…

According to U. (2015, October 25). What are differences and similarities between the Caliphate of Umayyad and Caliphate of Abbasid? Retrieved February 04, 2016, from ferences-and-similarities-between-Caliphate-of-Umayyad-and-Caliphate-of-Abbasid. Many of the differences between the two dynasty’s where the time frame in which they were around, Umayyad was first and then was overtaken by the Abbasid dynasty for the next 500 years. They also explain that it was about territory expansion, one expanded by land and one expanded by sea. Umayyad concurred and defeated the Byzantines in the Mediterranean …show more content…

By during this it is believed the he pushed the Muslim culture, religion forcefully through war and forceful behavior. Damascus became the capital city for the Umayyad dynasty, with expansion through the India and Iberian Peninsula. Through this expansion of the Byzantine and Sassanid Empires, he became aware that there was a struggle within him between those that were non Arab and Arab. Those that were not Arab were forced out of their community’s and not allowed to own land, marry Arabs. He even gave Arabs a monthly paycheck from the government to further the social gap between the two Muslim groups. Ultimately the downfall of this dynasty came from the impatient of the non Arabs and the way they were treated religiously, and socially.
The Abbasid dynasty believed that god gave them their authority. Thus they believed that the power. It was during this dynasty that the position of prime minister came forth. He was the most trusted servant and in charge of civil and military affairs. This position was a new one from the Umayyad dynasty, and seemed to carry a lot of weight in the Abbasid Dynasty the ruler had a trusted position to make decisions that he did not have to involve himself in on a day to day

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