The Crucible Relevant Today Analysis

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The crucible by Arthur Miller is a story about the Salem Witch Trials, taken place in Massachusetts in 1692. People getting accused of being a witch or summoning the devil, by dancing in the woods. There is Compassion and Forgiveness, Justice, Good and Evil, Lies and Deceit, fear, Supernatural, etc. I am going to be talking about how the Crucible is relevant today, and or themes and conflicts. The Crucible has many themes one of them is lies and deceit. A lot of the people in the play lie to get out of being hanged, Abigail Williams lies by telling them that Tituba drank blood, she keeps lying, so she will not hang, and because she wants to be with John Proctor. A quote that makes Abigail look like she is lying “I cannot dream but I wake and

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