The Crucible Reflective Essay

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I tied the laminated book to a rope and swung it high into a tree. I watch the pages of the play dangle down from the branch as it suffered the same fate as the accused victims from the trials. It only took me about eighty pages of reading to feel that this book was not worth reading no matter how good the reviews about the novel were. I had to get rid of any copies of The Crucible by Arthur Miller that are still permeating throughout the globe. I had to start attenuating the amount of readers before they fall into the plays trap like I had. Reading or watching the play will lead everyone to having a closer relationship with the devil. As I was walking out of the forest where the dreaded play was hung there was a large crowd of people all circled around a somewhat big stage. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to get my message about the novel out to the rest of the world. I grabbed a microphone and got up on the stage. The crowd had started to yell when I interrupted the play that was taking place on stage. I told the crowd that what I had to say was important, especially because the play that I was about to criticize was being acted on that very stage. …show more content…

The entire play was a lie. A man then stood up and said, "So what if it is a lie, how will that affect our lives." The man had made a point, but I told him that the play can make everyone that reads it start to lie. If you notice the great techniques in the play that the town's people used when they lied, then you will start to use these techniques also and that means that you will start lying on a daily basis. This play encumbered me with the burden of lying all the time. I told the crowd how I had started to lie all the time to my friends and my

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