Salem Witch Trials: Fear and Faith in 1692

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The Salem Witch Trials Found in Massachusetts, Salem resides at coordinates 42.5168 degrees North and 70.8985 degrees West. According to the Salem Witch Museum, the accusations against the “witches” occurred during January of 1692, and the trials themselves began in June of the same year. Salem represented a community full of fear and loyalty to religion. With loyalty to religion came a strong beliefs in the devil and witchcraft. The beliefs of those residing in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 included Puritan ideals. For example, the Puritans believed in moral code and attending church. The church dictated the laws in the village and town of Salem and outlawed certain actions, such as dancing, sleeping in church, and witchcraft. Also, the residents of Salem believed in punishing all sins. Responsibility for the accusations of witchcraft falls upon numerous members of Salem. The accusations began when Betty Parris fell ill and experienced fits related to that of someone possessed and controlled by the devil. Mrs. Putnam may also be credited with the accusations due to the claims that she desired Ruth, her daughter, to conjure the spirits of her dead siblings with the help of Tituba. All members of Salem played a role in the accusations of witchcraft in someway. Examples of crimes …show more content…

Over two hundred years of history rests between the Salem witch trials and the publication of The Crucible, but innumerable resemblances rests between the times. From the wrongful deaths during the witch trials to the punishments throughout the reign of McCarthyism, all occurred without much validation other than someone’s word over someone else’s. Also, Miller possibly set his play hundreds of years ago to give a voice to the accused citizens of Salem who lost theirs in a similar way to those haunted by the accusations against them during the Red

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