The Crucible Act 1 Summary

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Bridget Plate Mrs. Sullivan English December 9, 2015 The Crucible Act One The first scene opens as Tituba, Reverend Parris’s slave, enters the bedroom. Reverend Parris is praying over his daughter Betty’s bed. Tituba is concerned for Betty's health, but Reverend Parris dismisses her. The door opens and Abigail Williams, the Reverend’s niece, enters with Susanna Walcott. Susanna tells Reverend Parris that the Doctor can't find a cure for Betty’s soporific sickness. He thinks there might be an unnatural cause, but Reverend Parris denies the possibility. Reverend Parris tells Susanna to leave and not to spread this information throughout the village. Abigail and the Reverend Parris talk about the rumors of witchcraft in the village …show more content…

Giving an idea about the kind of flout rumors going around. Thomas Putnam follows in after her. Their daughter Ruth is sick also and they think witchcraft is the cause. Parris tells them he has called for Reverend Hale, a witch-hunter, from the neighboring village. Thomas Putnam insists to Reverend Parris that there are evil spirits at work. Ann Putnam has had seven babies die. She admits that she sent Ruth to Tituba, who knows how to speak to the dead, to find out who murdered her babies. Mercy Lewis, the Putnam’s worker, arrives reports that Ruth Putnam has been sneezing. After the Putnams and Reverend Parris leave to check on Ruth, Abigail and Mercy discuss Ruth’s …show more content…

Mary Warren, the Proctor’s worker, tells him that she plans to leave soon. John Proctor tells Mary that she wasn't suppose to leave the house in the first place and should head back. Then Mercy leaves, leaving Abigail and John Proctor alone. Abigail flirts with him and he asks about the rumors of witchcraft. Abigail tells him that they were dancing in the woods, her uncle scared them, and Betty is just in fight. Proctor tells her she’s going to get herself in trouble. He then tries to leave but Abigail stops him and asks him for a soft word. He tells her that’s over with. She begs for his attention, the kind he gave her in the past. John Proctor explains again that he’s done with that. Abigail gets angry with him and says his wife is “blackening” her name. All she wants is John Proctor. They hear a hymn coming from outside, and Betty starts crying

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