The Crucible Abigail To Blame Analysis

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I think Abigail is to blame more than many of the others. Abigail’s main reason for all she did was because she was angry and 120 she lusted for John Proctor. Abigail was angry that John had ended things between them. Abigail’s jealousy drove her to do things to try and get Elizabeth Proctor out of the way so her and John could be together. But the extremes she went to cost many people their lives.
Abigail’s jealousy turned to anger once John Proctor ended things with her, previous months ago. When all of the younger girls were dancing in the woods, Abigail drank blood in hopes that the witchcraft would make something happen to Elizabeth Proctor. She wanted Elizzabeth gone and would do anything to get her out of the way; even accusing innocents

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