The Criticism Of John Locke's Idea Of Natural Rights

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12 S+ English
12 8 Elaine Yuan
Mr. Pardy
2017 11 29 John Locke’s idea of natural right should be use as an objective for the society to achieve. In the Second treatise on Government, first, he presents that human nature which is that human are tolerant and reasonable.They naturally to be free and the best state is the law of nature. Then he explains this concept, he states: “ The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone; of nature and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions” (chapter two, paragraph three). According to this sentence, it shows that the reason …show more content…

If a government does not listen to people’s suggestion and use the absolute power to control them. That may cause a lot of dissatisfactions and those dissatisfaction will cause a big social conflict in the society. Since lot of the revolutions started as a result of lack of caring from the government and the abusing power of the rulers. As a result, the social conflict will usually from a revolution and start wars in the country at last. Although it might not happened immediately, eventually people will against the government and start the rebellion. Therefore, the natural law is very helpful for people to have that will benefit both the society and citizens. The citizens do not need to afraid of those bad rulers; they have the right to use what they earn, what they own, and spend things made by them, or fight for what they think it is important, which can be the happiest thing for them. If one ruler is not suitable they should have the rights to vote the next ruler which is a person who trust by all people and will serve the citizens well. This is the freedom for all human, which is also what John Locke hopes for. All in all, John Locke’s idea of health, liberty or possessions should be used as the goal for the

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