The Cotton Ball Diets

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We live in a society where women are under pressure to be “perfect”, but the fact is, it’s not healthy to be the way society wants us to be. My research has showed me that models starve themselves and abuse controlled substances to be skinny. There are outrageous diets that people come up with to “fill themselves up”. One fairly new diet is the cotton ball diet. This diet is pretty much dipping cotton balls in juice and eating them so you become full or fuller faster while eating. This diet is very dangerous because most cotton balls aren’t really made from cotton, they’re made from synthetic, bleached polyester that has a lot of harmful chemicals. Brandi Koskie from Diets in Review says it’s “like dipping your t-shirt in juice and eating it”. Although you can get actual cotton balls made from organic cotton, it’s still dangerous. Eating anything that is ingestible and fibrous can cause bezoars, which is a really disgusting, solid mass of indigestible material. It builds up in your digestive tract and sometimes causes a blockage; they are usually formed in the stomach. By eating cot...

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