The Corruption Of The American Dream In The United States

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“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.” As early as the 1600s, people began to come to North America from around the world, in search of a better life filled with prosperity, freedom, and equality. Although the term was not officially coined until 1931, this famous ideal has held America together, allowing this country to become what it is today. The millions who reside in the United States are clear representations of the development of the American Dream and what it has come to be. The dream’s ambitions were not absurd; the capabilities of the large land mass allowed for a nation to be built, where isolation would protect its inhabitants and natural resources would support its future. …show more content…

The continuous advancements of technology and industry have drastically changed the perception of the American Dream from its fundamental purpose during the 1600s. Some people argue that the Dream is still pure and quite possible. Even though America’s economy has experienced various amounts of fluctuation, it is still more productive than it was in the past, leaving the American Dream available to many people. Others claim that the dream lives on because of the vast number of immigrants aspiring to come to this country, seeking the freedom America continues to offer. While the idealistic American Dream has drawn millions of people to the United States, in hopes of accomplishing their goals and achieving what they most desire, the materialistic world of society has corrupted the dream’s traditional values and its promise of a better

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