The Controversy Of Banning False News

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When it comes to the government right to ban false news or to punish journalists who report false news to the public, Article 19 rejects with persistence. Article 19 in fact stated its first claim that punishing journalists will result in a negative effect of discouragement on them to report nor write any uncertain developments that can turn out to be vital.
But with respect to the article claim of point about how of the punishment will cause journalists to be discouraged: journalists in fact thrive by the trustworthy reputations that the public form when the journalist himself is confident of what he is reporting by neither reporting false/uncertain news nor before double checking the facts of the matter. Because needless to say that his …show more content…

Another study led by Craig Silverman, a researcher in Digital Journalism at Columbia University too pointed out that journalists can frequently promote misinformation to increase the media and social engagements. Second claim of Article 19 tackled that facts and opinions aren’t easily separated from each other and that banning false news will result in two issues. First issue: The only opinions that will be reported will be only those favored by the authorities and that works inconsistently with democracy. Second issue: Banning false news violates the freedom of speech and expression.
But that isn’t true. Facts can be absolutely separated from opinions and checked even in a rapidly changing environment. In fact it is essential to check facts and apart it from opinions other way journalists under the name of media will be leading the public into a manipulative and wrong path by their inability to differentiate. Supporting that point: the American Press Institute survey conducted in 22 universities, showed that about 65% graduates of communication and journalism believed that fact-checking is an effective and essential form of …show more content…

In other words, Freedom of speech and expression shall withstand and respect enough not to come across the rights of public to have a well-established truthful reports. Therefore, any journalist must convey truthful information and a good foundation spectrum of opinions on issues and do their best to obtain the reliable information by making sure it is complete, truthful and unbiased. And lastly needless to say, information that may humiliate a person should be checked critically before being

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