The Controversial Issue Of Rape

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Rape is a controversial and unnerving societal issue that affects millions of people across the globe, but many are uncomfortable even addressing the issue. This is in itself a problem. It is imperative that we openly discuss the issues that plague our communities and the hesitancy to discuss sexual misconduct is an overlooked contributor to the prevalence of these offenses. Eliminating the hesitancy to discuss sexual misconduct would not only be instrumental in debunking common misconceptions associated with rape, but would also allow us to effectively combat the root causes of the crime and hopefully even lessen its frequency.
Most people are inherently aware of the fact that rape is wrong, therefore, rape should not be controversial or a subject of contention. So why is it that rape still remains such a controversial subject? This stems from the confusion and differing opinions of what exactly constitutes rape. By definition rape is any “forced sexual …show more content…

The paper does a great job of acknowledging the fact that rapists are at first glance normal, everyday people. Once again disproving a common misconception that men who rape are either socially awkward, withdrawn and/or sexually deprived. All evidence points to the contrary. Prior to their convictions the majority of the participants would have been considered well-adjusted members of society with the typical relationships associated with their age groups and were overall no more sexually deprived than men who do not rape. However, the participants all possess similar character traits such as anger, hostility towards women, and a lack of empathy. That being said, the evidence also suggests that they typically share more characteristics with the rest of the general population. In conclusion, there's really no singular method of identifying who is more likely to rape or

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