The Contestability of a Market

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The Contestability of a Market

A contestable market is a market where an inefficient firm or firms,

which is earning excess profits, is likely to be driven out by more

efficient or less profitable rival.

A market can be contestable even if a single firm, which appears to

enjoy a monopoly with market power, dominants it and the new entrant

exists only as potential competition. The threat posed by the new

entrants in the market is taken to be a key reason for the firm's

behaviour in the market.

There are many factors that can affect the contestability of the

market. The number of firms in the market can change the

contestability of the market. If there are many firms in a market the

market is known to be contestable. As for the water industry the

number of firms in the market are very few and most of these firms

take most of the market share.

The ease of entry of the firm in the market can also affect the

contestability of the market. This is linked direct to the barriers of

entry. The market structure for the water industry is a oligopoly.

This means that the barriers to enter this market are very high.

Barriers to entry are barriers that prevent a firm from entering that

particular market. For this particular the barriers to entry are start

up costs, patents and advertising etc. If the barriers to entry for a

firm are low then this will mean that it will make firms easily to

enter the market making a contestable market, but for the water

industry the barrier to entry are high making it a highly

incontestable market. If a new firm does enter the market the current

firms may try to push out the firm due to the fear of competition.

They may do this by lowering their prices making it difficult for the

new entrant to operate. This may lead to the new entrant in the market

to leave as it has high costs as it come into the market.

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