The Contender Hypocrisy

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In politics, elections are very important. In most cases, political hypocrisy has been used to gain an edge. Many politicians would do whatever possible to outwit their opponents. The Contender is a movie that is directed and wrote on the basis of political hypocrisy. It seems that everything is smooth for The Contender. However, the director Rod Lurie lacks courage relating to his convictions. The conviction of Rod Lurie is of great dismay. He is seen to be using his energy and performance honestly. This is evident in the efforts directed towards securing Oscar ballot box. The most shameful issue about Rod Lurie is his continued weaknesses of backing off on proactive issues. This is quite different from his father who was a political cartoonist. The Contender remains lively and entertaining. However, this turns appalling when he slips into platitudinous piousness and partisan politics.
The term of Jackson Evans as the president of the United States is coming to an end. Jeff Bridges (Jackson Evans) has set the bar. He remained humbled and at ease. Given his position, he has enjoyed the privilege of ordering eccentric repasts from the kitchen of the white house at any time. This shows that he is highly respected, likable and expansive. This shows how the president in the post Clintonian era is very outgoing. Jeff Bridges is renowned for his positive traits including appetite, charm and charisma.
The departing President finds himself in an unfamiliar situation. This followed the death of his vice president. This situation compels Jackson Evans an important agenda. He has to make history by nominating a new vice president. He has opted for Laine Hanson, a female candidate, to fill the vacancy. Senator Laine Hanson who is renowned for...

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...d the kitchen. President Jackson Evans played it as dirty as his foes. The Contender provided an ineffable quality. This was in tandem with the political season. Bridges brings scrappy playfulness in nearly every party. Bridges shares a banquet with Senator Laine. He takes his nominee to a late night stroll after the party. He uses the opportunity to advice Laine to tell the truth about her past life. It is argued that the truth would set an individual free. However, for Laine, she remains a captive of the truth and stands to hurt her.
This movie justifies the behaviors of most president men, advisors and candidates. Politics is normally founded on backroom finagling. Lurie shows that the aim of any politician is to gain heroic actions. He thus reveals the worst issues relating to politics and movies. This is because; politics is full of dram as it happens in movies.

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