The Consequences of the Revolt in Hungary

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The Consequences of the Revolt in Hungary


The Hungarian uprising took place in October to November 1956. The

Hungarians wanted free elections, an end to the collectivisation of

farms, the withdrawal of Soviet troops and the AVO (Hungarian Secret

Police) to stop its persecution of anti-communists. Also the last

demand that they made, which Khrushchev could not agree to, was the

removal of Hungary from the Warsaw pact. When these demands were

refused Khrushchev also sent in the Red Army to flush out the

resistance fighters, who had already driven out a previous division.

The consequences for the USSR

The USSR faced many consequences as a result of the harsh treatment

that they had dealt the Hungarians during the rebellion.

Khrushchev had reinforced his position because before the revolt many

people in Russia thought that Khrushchev was a bit weak hearted and

was afraid to order the deaths of thousands of people, this was mainly

because of the way he had treated Poland, however now that Khrushchev

had shown that he was not afraid he earned a new respect from many

older communists.

This also showed the West that despite Stalin’s death the USSR was

still determined to keep Eastern Europe under Soviet control.

The consequences for Hungary

Hungary suffered terribly as a result of the rebellion.

Up to 30,000 of their countrymen had died, and at least 200,000 had

fled to the surrounding countries.

Nagy (the leader of the Hungarians during the revolt) had retreated to

the Yugoslavian embassy and was tricked into coming out of it, he was

then arrested be the AVO deported to Russia where he was put on

‘trial’ and then hung.

The man who was instituted as the new leader was called Kadar was

totally under the influence of Russia and continued to govern till

1988. However during his time spent in power he grew soft and started

to allow the Hungarians certain freedoms.

The consequences for the West

The Western powers as a result of the force shown by the Soviets was

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