The Consequences Of Ice Cold Imperialism

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In my cartoon I did a vending machine with everything American Imperialism strived for and the cost for either those values, or physical elements. The vending machine is meant to relate the feeling of how American’s were almost greedy for the stuff in it. It was as simple as clicking two buttons and America got what they want. I say that because on page 280 of our books, it writes how Great Britain and America had a treaty regarding a canal. The next sentence is about how the United States got what they wanted, exclusive rights to build the canal. I personally infer from that, that there was no war or anything behind it. It was simply America getting what we wanted easily and quickly. In short, my cartoon is focused on the negative sides of …show more content…

In Ice Cold Imperialism, when I break it down more, the vending machine represents the so-to-say carelessness and greediness of America. The vending machine title of Ice Cold Imperialism is meant to portray how some people felt about imperialism. Many people thought it was meant to just help the rich and was morally wrong. According to Imperialism: Political, Economic and Social Consequences by Bob Maier, he described that the consequences of America going imperialist is a negative thing. It was rigged and focused on the businessmen’s interest. One way it did this was by forcing countries, of any size, to be a more industrial country. When America and other countries went through their industrial revolution, the ensuing results were undermining small, more undeveloped, self-sufficient countries. This shrunk their economy due to the need of handcrafted being diminished. What happened next was now their economy is going down hill, they needed help. America was glad to help, as illustrated in the cartoon’s we looked at in class. American was going to “help” these countries. As Rudyard Kipling wrote back 1899 during American Imperialism, “Take up the White Man’s …show more content…

The reasons for American Imperialism and what we gained from it. The dollar sign with the up arrow is business interests. The growth in AMERICAN economy. The tank is meant to represent the power America wanted over other countries. They wanted to be sure they could control what they did. Also this tank represents that America wanted other countries land for our military and growth purposes. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan said in 1890 that in short, America having the control of the sea was key to world dominance and empire, AKA American Imperialism. That was the plan all along, to get into their economy, then politics, then land. The #1 ribbon is meant to be how America wanted to be #1. Uncle Sam’s hat is how America wanted to spread their culture into every other country. The US Map with arrows are meant to show how America wanted to grow past manifest destiny. Hawaii is meant to show that land we took over and ended up having 100% control over in 1959. Cuba, and Philippines are meant to show the weaker countries that we infiltrated with American goods, politics, then ended up having a war and acquiring land and some control. We can see those results just today in 2017. In Cuba, we can see the influence we have on them even though they aren’t technically our state. The trade embargo, started after America was imperial. They basically made us mad and we took away all trade rights and they’re all still stuck with cars from the 50’s and

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