The Conflict Between Sherlock Holmes And Moriarty

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Author's Introduction

I have always been strongly drawn to the Sherlock Holmes stories and books, and while reading and writing about Sherlock Holmes I experience strange feelings of familiarity and satisfaction. I have been told I look like Sir Arthur, and that my wife resembles Lady Doyle. Does reincarnation really happen? Is it possible? Make of this whatever you will.

Crime Mystery Detective Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is the world's best-known crime mystery detective. More of his books, stories, movies and TV series have been published, read and viewed than for any other detective character. Sherlock Holmes is also the world's most successful detective; he always solves the crime and identifies the criminal. Sherlock Holmes's creator …show more content…

The Sherlock Holmes stories are a type of morality play in which good brilliance triumphs over evil brilliance; they were written in the Victorian age, when the influence of nurture on nature was rarely considered, and criminals could expect a speedy trial and swift justice, which often took the form of the hangman's noose. There was no sympathy for criminals, and good always triumphed over evil.

Based on the foregoing we can list seven reasons for the ongoing popularity of Sherlock Holmes:
(1). He is admirable due to his very unusual powers of observation and logical deduction.
(2). He is admirable because always ready to provide help (if the case interests him, which it invariably does).
(3). He is admirable because he is always on the side of what is good, and against what is evil.
(4). He is admirable because the rich and famous give him large honorariums and praise,
(5). All the very cleverly constructed and presented characters and actions work together smoothly to define the Sherlock Holmes character's nature.
(6). The plots are always very cleverly designed, with well-hidden solutions that only Sherlock Holmes can

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