The Concept of Change in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Holub's The Door and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

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The Concept of Change in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Holub's The Door and Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson The way we view and interpret things constantly alters and reforms. Time and experiences allow us to develop and change our attitudes and perceptions of people, events, ideas and even ourselves. Change is a constant, and inevitable within life. The outcomes of change can either be positive or negative, no matter how dramatic or insignificant things become ultimately in the end change will occur. This idea is exemplified within the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F Scott Fitzgerald, the poem “The Door” by Miroslav Holub and the song “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson. These three texts, through different forms, explore the concept of change thus helped shape my understanding of change. ==================================================================== Within “The Great Gatsby”, change is raised through the perspectives and social attitudes of the characters. ==================================================================== Written in a narrative of Nick Carraway not only do responders engage

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