The Class Insecta Of The Kingdom Animalia

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The class Insecta of the kingdom Animalia is a distinct class that levels down to a select few species that have the certain characteristics required to be classified into the class of Insecta. By basic entomology standards, classifying a species in the class of Insecta requires that the species have three body segments and have three pairs of legs. Species included in the class Insecta are beetles, butterflies, ants, and mosquitos. Insects are everywhere and are vital to an ecosystem, even those considered to be pests have a certain role that can only be carried out by that one species. “An insect is a six-legged animal that goes through…metamorphosis.”(Facklam 11) Each insect has three body segments the segments are divided into the head, home to the antenna, mouthparts, ocellus, and the compound eye; the thorax, which mainly includes the leg pairs as well as the fore and hind wings if any; and lastly the abdomen, which is home to the reproductive organs, the cercus, and the spiracle.(Spencer 6) Essentially insects are easy to identify as an insect due to their distinct features. Among these features, however, there
For example, the honey bee of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta, order Hymenoptera, and family level Apidae, is considered a beneficial insect due to their role as pollinators and honey producers. Honey bees are an interesting species due to their partnership tendencies. Honey bees are commonly known as “social insects and live together in nests or hives. The honeybee is remarkable for the dancing movements it performs in the hive to communicate information to its fellow bees about the location, distance, size, and quality of a particular food source in the surrounding area.” (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica) Honey bees are highly beneficial to the environment and probably one of the most important insects in the animal

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