The Circle Character Analysis

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Is the measurement through the use of devices a positive or a negative thing? The Circle is a dystopian novel written by Dave Egger. The protagonist is Mae Holland and the story starts when she starts to work at The Circle, a company that gains not only more and more control of its employees, but also in the world in general. The Circle is all about transparency and knowing everything in order to complete The Circle. To get the knowledge they want, they use all kinds of different high-tech devices, developed by themselves. Some of the devices the characters used to measure themselves in the novel are positive things, others are not. I think for example that the health sensors are a good thing, as it detects different kinds of diseases in early stages. However, when a doctor from another country had watched Mae’s health closely and started to interfere, claiming that she might have a small chance to get a certain disease, I found it a bit over the top due to the fact that saying those things might get you to worry, when there basically is nothing to worry about. The ratings, such as client ratings and PartiRank, I find a negative thing. Obviously nobody wants to end up at the bottom, certainly not in a world where your rating is everything. Consequently, people stay …show more content…

With the information the scientists at The Circle receive, they can find out a lot of things about diseases. For example, whether they are hereditary or not. However, when looking at PartiRank or polls, I think it will not bring people closer to knowledge about themselves. At least, not their true selves. Mae, for instance, changed immensely during the time she spent at The Circle as a consequence of the constant transparency policy of the company. Everyone wants to be on their best when they are in front of an audience, but is it really your true personality at that point? I do not think

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