The Characteristics Of Leadership: Steve Jobs And Student Leadership

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Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. In this day and age we as a world need more leaders. Leaders can be innovators, entrepreneurs, workers, and just normal everyday people. A leader doesn 't have to be the president of an organization, but has to have the ability to motivate and lead people to be their best selves. Leaders always have great qualities and they love helping those in need. Steve Jobs used leadership and focus to make an empire known as Apple. Jobs would take 100 or so people on a retreat just to simply come up with the next year 's inventions. He would start with a list of ten and have it narrowed down to just three. Jobs wanted to simplify these ideas so it could be more consumer friendly. …show more content…

Leadership distinguishes applicants from other applicants. Colleges look to see if you 're active within your community and participate in things like student leadership. Leadership will be able to help you in circumstances when there is stress. Most colleges agree that leadership can help with self-confidence. Emmi Harward, California and the Executive Director of the Association College Counselors in Independent Schools says, "Not only does leadership distinguish a student in a competitive applicant pool from other students ([compare] a student body president to someone who has spent four years just going home and doing their homework) but also serves to foreshadow the impact the student could make on the college/university campus, and the potential impact they could make once they graduate." Harvard has a list of many desirable qualities such as; self-confident leader, natural follower, natural team player, and natural lone wolf. All typically seen as having equal importance, especially in other cultures (Why Are American Colleges Obsessed With 'Leadership, …show more content…

Military qualities include; loyalty to the nation, duty, and selfless service. If you 're looking to be the next leader in a military unit then you must determine what is expected of your unit. Leaders have a good morale, discipline, and proficiency. They are able to do what is asked of them and then some. They would literally die for what they believe in, and pass on their knowledge to younger generations to protect this country. If you 're wondering how to better improve your leadership skills, the military is the best place to look (Notes on Military Leadership, 2016) More often than not we think we can only find leaders in specific areas, but we 're wrong. Leaders can be found all over the world and can still have different virtues and values. What makes a good leader is how they present themselves and how they can gather people together and bring out their best qualities. Leaders exhibit traits that can be found in everyday people because leaders are just everyday people that want to make this a better world to live

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