The Change of a River From Its Source to Its Mouth

1986 Words4 Pages

The Change of a River From Its Source to Its Mouth

Main Aim:

To find out in which ways a river changes from its source to its


We traveled to the west coast of Wales to find out how a river changes

from its source to its mouth. We were situated in the small rural

village of Tal-y-bont, which was near the town of Aberystwyth. The

river that we decided to test out with our hypothesis and find out our

aim on was the river Einion. The river Einion is a tributary to the

river Dovey. The river is roughly 4 miles long and 12 miles from


Aberystwyth is mainly a tourist-based town, situated between three

vast hills, equipped with many facilities for tourists but it is also

renowned for its Castle ruins and stony beaches and also a large spit

at Cardigan Bay. Aberystwyth is the home for the University of Wales

and the National Library of Wales. The landscape of Aberystwyth is

very hilly, with many interlocking spurs and V shaped valleys in the

area. In order to test and prove our hypothesis, we conducted tests on

the river Einion at five different points along the river to show us

the changes it has made from its source to its mouth.


This is where the river Einion is situated on a map of Wales






River Dovey Aberystwyth River Einion


[IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] Site 5 Site 4 Site 3 Site 2 Site 1

These are the five sites that we collected data from and proved our

hypothesis at.


· As the depth of the river increases from source to mouth, the

sediment size will decrease.

I came to the decision to test this hypothesis, as it is fairly

complex yet obvious. The sediment size will decrease as attrition from

boulders makes the size smaller. Also corrasion from rocks rubbing on

the riverbed will cause the bed to become deeper as the river flows

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