The Causes of the Civil War

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The Causes of the Civil War In 1642, Civil War broke out in England, Parliament against the King. Civil War is said to be the worst kind of war because it is when a country fights against itself and unfortunately, this was the case in England. Many family's were torn apart and many people were killed but how had this happened? How had a great country gone so low that they would have to fight themselves? How had England gone into Civil War? This is what we are going to find out. King Charles got off to a bad start. England was a protestant country and so, you would expect him to marry a protestant, but he did not. Charles married Henrietta Maria, a French Catholic, in 1625. This was bad because the Protestants started to think that Charles was a Catholic and that his wife would influence him on to making the country Catholic. Another problem was Charles' main adviser Buckingham. The parliament didn't trust him and thought of him as the devil in disguise. Parliament tried to punish him in 1626 for bungling a naval expedition against Spain but instead of punishing him, they got punished and two MP's were sent to prison by Charles because of this! There was also another reason for Charles getting off on a bad start but this time it was partly parliaments fault too. When a King or Queen comes to the throne, parliament usually votes to give the king or queen custom duties for life. Parliament only granted Charles custom duties for one year to force him to visit regularly but their plan didn't work. Instead of going to parliament and asking for more money, Charles continued collecting income tax without parliaments permission. Th... ... middle of paper ... ...ntry and he should not have got advisers like Buckingham and Strafford. They put bad ideas in his head and turned the world upside down! I think the last trigger was the worst one because the Parliament didn't know where to stop. They pushed as far as they could and stepped over the boundaries. They may be allowed to control what happens ion the country but they certainly aren't allowed to control Charles' family and whom they marry! They tipped the anger just a step forward and turned it into rage! The last person to make the trigger before the war is always given some of the blame because they are the ones that go that little bit over the boundaries. I think that Parliament was to blame for the Civil War and that Charles should have won. I hope you have enjoyed reading my essay and that you have learnt a lot from it!

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