The Causes Of Hunger In Sub-Saharan Africa

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In 1798, the political economist Thomas Malthus referred to extensive hunger as a natural system that ensured a properly sized population that was balanced with the food supply, and the global population adapted this idea as their view on world hunger (Dando 197). It was not until the 1970s when this idea began to be truly challenged. Today, commercials displaying starving African children are no rare sight. In Sub-Saharan Africa, more than 33 million children under 5 are malnourished (Stanford 46). Everyone is aware of the hunger crisis, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, but what causes this extreme hunger is not quite as well known. Hunger has stemmed from several political, economic, and environmental issues: poverty traps, climate change, …show more content…

According to Eric Holt Gimenez, the world already produces enough food to feed 10 billion people, yet over 22% of the Sub-Saharan population is undernourished. One of the main causes of this is due to food wastage. One-third of the food that is produced is never consumed (“What Causes Hunger?”). Not only is this food being wasted, it also releases over 3 billion tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (“What Causes Hunger?”). The wastage of food directly doesn’t put food on the plates of those who need it and also further prevents it by destroying the environment without a proper reason. Another cause of hunger is who the food is feeding. About 60% of crops are farmed to feed humans, while 35% is for animal feed (“Introduction to Food Insecurity”). Although animals can be consumed, they take a lot more than they give. About 30 kilograms of grain can produce only 1 kilogram of edible beef (“Introduction to Food Security”). For those who are struggling with food is Sub-Saharan Africa, and diet that shifts away from meat consumption would assist in consuming more food. Another flaw in the where the food goes is the imports and exports of Sub-Saharan nations. Several countries have a few main crops that they produce a surplus of to export, and then they rely on imports for the rest of their food supply. The citizens buy imported food because it is less expensive, and the local farmers become poorer. Buying locally would put the money back into one’s own community instead of losing it all to a distant nation. A system that does not waste food and focuses on producing it for local humans would help reduce hunger in needy

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