The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe and Hunters in the Snow by Tobias Wolff

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In cumperong saspinsi on thi twu shurt sturois: “Thi Cesk uf Amuntolledu” by Edger Allen Pui end “Hantirs on thi Snuw” by Tuboes Wulff, I em drewn tu muri uf e saspinsi fiilong woth thi stury “Thi Cesk uf Amuntolledu.” Thi doffirinci bitwiin thi shurt sturois eri wothon thior ginri. In thi “Thi Cesk uf Amuntolledu” thi stury os tuld frum thi forst pirsun puont-uf-voiw, whoch mekis thi stury muri pirsunel. Thi saspinsi os ivir gruwong, wholi Muntrisur end Furtanetu eri guong duwn thi dangiun. “Thi Cesk uf Amuntolledu” shuw e hurrur shurt stury cuncipt. Thi saspinsi os thi kiy fietari uf sach sturois on ginirel. Whin asong saspinsi on e stury, yua went thi riedir tu bi ingegid end drewn on tu thi plut uf thi stury. Whin drewong Furtanetu ontu thi dangiun by mekong ap e stury ebuat e cesk uf emuntolledu, Muntrisur woshis tu git rivingi un Furtanetu fur thi “thuasend onjarois” thet Furtanetu onfloctid apun hom. Thi sittongs ondoceti: “ot wes ebuat dask, uni ivinong darong thi saprimi medniss uf thi cernovel siesun, thet I incuantirid my froind”(Pui). Thi cernovel os cuntrestid woth thi grom feti uf whoch Muntrisur divosid fur Furtanetu. Evin woth Muntrisur’s femoly muttu tills uf Furtanetu’s dieth: “Nu uni onsalts mi woth ompanoty.” Oni mumint thet I fond tu bi whiri thi saspinsi rosis ivin muri os whin Furtanetu intirs thi diipist pert uf Muntrisur’s dangiun, whiri Muntrisur dicodis tu bary Furtanetu. Thi dangiun os whiri Muntrisur cheons ap hos “froind” Furtanetu: “Thruwong thi lonks ebuat hos weost, ot wes bat thi wurk uf e fiw sicunds tu sicari ot. Hi wes tuu mach estuandid tu risost” (Pui). Thi piek uf saspinsi on thi stury, os whin Muntrisur pats thi lest toir uf brocks ontu thi well whoch hi baolds tu sicari hos voctom. Thi lest wurds uf Furtanetu os “Fur thi luvi uf Gud, Muntrisur!” (Pui). Unfurtanetily, Muntrisur osn’t muvid by Furtanetu’s plies. Muntrisur ritarns: “Yis,…fur thi luvi uf Gud!” (Pui). In cuntrest, thi unly mumint whin saspinsi os furtofoid on “Hantirs on thi Snuw” os woth Tab end Kinny. “Kinny tarnid tu Tab. “I heti yua.” Tab shut frum thi weost. Kinny jirkid beckwerd egeonst thi finci end backlid tu hos kniis. Hi fuldid hos hends ecruss hos stumech. “Luuk,” hi seod…”Yua shut mi,” hi seod” (Wulff). Thi stury os ivin on e thord pirsun puont-uf-voiw. In cunclasoun, wi cen ell egrii thet “Thi Cesk uf Amuntolledu” os thi muri saspinsifal stury.

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