The Campaign For End Gun Violence

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In today 's society gun violence is a growing epidemic that is at an alarming rate. This paper will highlight the Brady’s Campaign to End Gun Violence influence, and impact on our government. Also it’s important to understand how our government deals with reform, and change in society 's views as well as the theories that are behind it. Unlike the other two theories of American government views on interest groups in this paper, interest groups fit into the idea of Pluralism the most realistically. In our government it’s relevant that the top 10% of interest groups make an affect on law reform compared to the average voter in America. The easiest way to get your point across is with money, this is seen in an article posted at The Washington Post about NRA’s major money influenced opposing agenda. The National Rifle Association’s PAC’s donations are astronomical compared this campaign, this is shown not only in the figure of money but in the list of politicians that are lobbied by this organization alone which is extensive. Not forgetting its influence and power in the House of Representatives and the Senate that follows as well. Under the idea of Elite theory, interest groups are the face for the economic elite in our government. At the end of the day, with so many interest groups fighting over gun legislation it seems to be at a stand still. That’s where hyperpluralism comes into power, and it’s because of the vast majority of opposing ideologies that slow or simply stop our government from governing efficiently. Furthermore this theory seems to explain our government perfectly as it can be a mix of the other two theories, being how our government runs and the lengthy process a bill must go through to officially become law. If t...

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...or. I think the influence money has on our government is disgusting. Basically insinuating that money is the key to everything in life, plus how it can dictate how I live is very disturbing at the least. Simply put, a democracy runs on the vote of the people, not how deep a politician 's pocket can be. If this group or any group for the matter wasn 't allowed to lobby I think that would solve any problem with a backlog on the docket, and would speed up the law making process because there would be no one except the people 's vote in the way of a bill. Money would play a significantly less part in our government which is ideal. This would also take out the possibly of the economic elite taking advantage over the people. BCPGV is a very transparent organizations with no harmful intentions for the people, it just wants to make America safe again, one gun bill at a time.

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