The Broken Window Theory

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Assignment 9.1

Three theories that can be used to explain the crimes of assault and robbery are broken windows theory, Control theory and relative deprivation.

The definition of the broken windows theory is “a perspective on crime causation that holds that physical deterioration in an area leads to increased concerns for personal safety among area residents and to higher crimes rates in that area” (CI 156). The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. Broken windows theory can explain assault and robbery because if individuals are in an area that is left to rot and is un-kept they are more likely to commit crime. Assault can be explained in this instance because if there is no law enforcement present or noticeable because the community they live in is un-kept it sends a message to the individuals that they can do what they want without consequences which can include assaulting someone whether for material goods in a robbery or just fighting as in gang wars. When Wilson’s article was released in 1982 it “led to an increases in the use of order maintenance policy and a crack down on quality-of-life offenses, such as panhandling, graffiti, littering, and prostitution, in some of the nation’s cities” (156). Because of this theory “the criminology place employs the concept of defensible space meaning the range of mechanisms real and symbolic barriers, strongly, defined areas of influence, and improved opportunities for surveillance—that combine to bring an environment under the control of its residents. The criminology place holds that location can be as predictive of criminal activity ...

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... economic and social gaps that exist between rich and poor who live in close proximity to one another. “According to Blaus, relative deprivation creates feelings of anger, frustration, hostility and social injustice on the part of those who experience it” (160). This theory explains robbery and assault because there is a gap between rich and poor that shows that the people are not equal so it allows for people from each side to target the opposing side in hopes of exploiting them being assault or robbery.
Will -

Your content here is good but entirely too much of it is filled with quotes. For a good academically sound paper you should be able to paraphrase most of your content and should use quotes very sparingly.

These citations are not correct and tell me nothing. They are not proper APA citations and do not have any reference with them. You must work on this.

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