The Boy Who Dared Themes

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Many books, plays, and documentaries have been written about the nightmares of the Holocaust. Night is the story of a young boy who is sent to a concentration camp all the while trying to keep himself, as well as his father, alive to see another day. The Boy Who Dared is the story of a courageous, young boy who spoke out to show everyone who Hitler really was. The Diary of Anne Frank is about a young Jewish girl who has to move from her home to an attic in a building. Anne Frank is one of the most famous people from the Holocaust because she had kept a journal that survived the Holocaust. These written works all have comparing and contrasting themes that help the character along their journey.
The Diary of Anne Frank, The Boy Who Dared and
Anne is a very religious person, she celebrates her religion even though she is living in an attic. Helmuth is Mormon, he has a big ‘family’ at his church, they are all so close to each other, and God, so they’re like a family. Elie is sent to a concentration camp because of his religion but that doesn't stop him. He still fights to stay alive even though he is doubting God. The Diary of Anne Frank has many themes including love, youth and isolation. Anne loves Peter, but she is a young girl and she is naive and gullible. She tries to experience something nice in a time of sadness and darkness. She is young, a thirteen year old trying to survive the Holocaust. Also there is isolation, her ‘family’ is living in an attic in the middle of Europe.each day for about twelve hours she can't talk, or use the restroom, because if she does they would get caught and probably die.’’ About the noise. While the men are in the building below, we must have complete quiet... So, to be perfectly safe,from eight in the morning until six in the evening we must move only when it is necessary, and then in stockinged feet. We must not speak above a whisper. We must not run any water. We cannot use the sink, or

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