The Book Thief By Anne Frank: Are People Really Good At Heart

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Despite everything, are people really good at heart? There is still good in some people. People can be nice to each other and they can help each other out but during the Holocaust it was a totally different timet. Lots of people think that because of what happened during the Holocaust and Anne Frank’s time people are really bad people. I strongly believe that people are really good at heart. What I believe that stands out more than anything is that not all Nazis are bad and Nazis and others within Germany didn't agree with Hitler. Even Nazi Soldiers can be good at heart even though they worked for Hitler. Evidence from a scene of the the movie The Book Thief is where a Nazi solider came to a Jews house and said that he only had one passport …show more content…

People could become friends with each other and it would just help them out if they knew that they had someone to talk to. The first piece of evidence that shows someone trying to be friends with another is from the movie The Book Thief. When Liesel arrived at Heaven Street to her new home she didn't know anyone and her little brother had passed away on the way there. When she got out of the car there was a little boy named Rudy that saw her and so he tried to become friends with her even though he had known nothing about her ( The Book Thief ). My second piece of evidence shows people caring for others when they need help is from a scene of the movie The Book Thief. In the movie there was an air raid and lots of the houses had been burnt down and destroyed. Liesel was still alive after the air raid had happened but her momma and pappa had died and so had Rudy. Liesel was just waiting by herself and didn't have a family but then the Mayor and his wife came and took Liesel home so she had someone to live with and somewhere to live. My third piece of evidence is from the book Anne Frank The Diary of A Young Girl where two people were so glad to see each other even though they were in a terrible situation. In the book it states, “It was Anne, and I ran in the direction

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