The Book Of Jonah

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God’s love and compassion is displayed numerous times throughout the book of Jonah. He showed love and compassion towards not only the lost, but to those who were walking in him already as well. God’s compassionate love extended to not only the Ninevites, and those on the boat with Jonah but to Jonah himself, in the book of Jonah. God displays his love through the multiple chances that he gives to Jonah while Jonah is resisting the job that he has been called to do. God also displays his love when he warns the people of Nineveh about the consequences of their actions. God is the creator of all, and he chose Israel as his own. Despite choosing Israel as his chosen people, he still wanted to bless the other nations as well. Nineveh, the capital …show more content…

The people on the boat cried out to God, asking that he wouldn’t destroy them for doing so. God showed his love towards the men and after Jonah was thrown into the sea, the waves calmed and the sailors recognized that it was God who had had mercy on all of them (Jonah 1:15).Once thrown overboard, Jonah is swallowed by a big fish, where he stayed until he had come to terms with with God regarding his disobedience (Survey of the Old Testament, page 203). Even though Jonah had been disobedient and had run away from God, he was still spared from the belly of a fish (Jonah 2:10). Jonah was freed from the fish, and this time he obediently traveled to Nineveh, where he had been called. Jonah went into the city and delivered the message to the people. When the king of Nineveh heard the message that Jonah had brought from God, he declared that the people would not eat or drink anything, that they be covered with sackcloth and that they would cry out to God so that he may show them his compassion. “When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.” (Jonah 3:10) After God had spared the lives of the people of Nineveh for turning from their evil ways, Jonah was disgruntled. He sat on a hill and watched the city to see what would become of it. Despite his poor attitude towards God’s compassionate love toward Nineveh, God showed his

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