The Bloody Mary Legend Research Paper

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Ghost stories are never going to be true. The Bloody Mary legend, for example, is a story that some people believe to be real. There was a ritual that women in England would do to see the face of their future husband. If you are in a darkly lite room, you are holding a candle or a light, and looking in a mirror, the face of their husband would, allegedly, appear. However, if you were going to die before your marriage, the ghost of Queen Mary I would appear in its place. Although it may seem to be factual, there have been other answers to these illusions. Staring into a mirror, for one, in a dark room for a prolonged period can cause hallucinations to occur. Therefore, most ghost stories that appear to be true, in reality are untruthful. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the ghost of King Hamlet does not actually exist. However, some scholars are under the impression that the ghost actually does exist. The ghost existed to preserve the integrity of Denmark. Don Nardo, in Understanding “Hamlet,” from the series Understanding Great Literature, comments …show more content…

Proclaims Shigeo Kikuchi, in “Unveiling the Dramatic Secret of ‘Ghost’ in Hamlet,” from Journal of Literary Semantics, that the idea of a ghost was put into Hamlet to create doubt and show us only what seems to be happening in the play (no pag). In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, Jim, Dill and Scout are friends that always discuss ghost stories that are disbelieving. The story of Boo Radley, for example, is one that is so unrealistic to the reader. The children talk about how Radley got in trouble with the law and was forced, by his parents, to stay home at all times. After being in confinement for too long, he had enough and stabbed his father. The children say that he lurks the very grounds of the house and haunts people that walk by, which is why they call him “Boo” Radley. Similar to Radley, the ghost appears to be petrifying but in reality does not

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