The Black Slave Driver

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The Black Slave Driver During the time of slavery in America, on several plantations certain slaves who had unique qualities were given special privileges. The slave who was honest, hard-working, not too talkative and who seemed to have a good sense of judgment, would be selected to be the plantations slave driver. The drivers were selected as men who were able to bargain, bribe and flatter the slaves so that they wouldn’t revolt , and in rare cases punish the slaves if they misbehaved. The driver handled all the problems on the plantation on a day to day bases while the master and white overseer would check on the plantations every once in a while. Drivers were given special privileges, some were even given freedom, some received cash and property so that they could grow crops and have slaves of their own. Masters usually grew to respect their drivers and usually had a relationship of shared respect. With the rights that these drivers were given, some decided to abuse them while others stayed loyal to their master. Some drivers would abuse their privileges to help their people while others mistreated the slaves and stayed loyal to their master. To the slaves whose drivers helped them, the idea of a slave driver was a positive good, but to the slaves whose driver abused them they saw him as a conspirator in a horrible social sin. Masters would often respect their drivers so much that the overseer’s would complain that the masters trusted the black drivers more than they trusted the white overseer’s . The drivers unlike the overseer’s were the master forever companion and masters grew to depend on their driver. The drivers determined the work pace and directed the marling, plowing, terracing, planting, hoeing, picking. Slowly drivers took the place of the masters, and slaves would look for him to solve their disputes. The kind of relationship that the driver and the master

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