The Birthmark And Malvin's Burial

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Mark Van Doren and Nathaniel Hawthorne
Colombia University English Professor Mark Van Doren once said that “ the theme in them is moral: an individual violates nature by pursuing his chosen art past the point of human usefulness…he follows his bent so fiercely that he…commits the unpardonable sin…he stands alone in a universe where love is law." The previous statement was about author, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, stories. After reading the following stories, The Birthmark, The Artist of the Beautiful, Dr.Heidegger’s Experiment, Ethan Brand, and Roger Malvin’s Burial I do agree with what Professor Mark Van Doren had to say for the following reasons. In each of the stories one or more of Van Doren’s points is made. A character that completely goes …show more content…

In Hawthorne’s story The Birthmark, the main character, Aylmer thinks his wife is the most beautiful person in the world and the only feature that keeps her from being perfect is a birthmark that is upon her cheek. When Aylmer mentions the birthmark to Georgiana, his wife, she becomes upset that her husband does not think he loves her, because of her birthmark. He tries many different ways to remove the mark, but all end with no solution to the problem. When Aylmer believes he has finally cracked the code of removing the unsightly blemish his concoction ends up killing his wife, for as the birthmark faded so did her life. Thus violating nature to remove the mark, committing a sin because he killed his wife, and standing alone since he killed the woman he loved. In The Artist of the Beautiful, main character, Owen Warland spent many years working to achieve the most beautiful creation he could make. Owen threw away his life and a chance at love just because he became obsessed with achieving the most beautiful creation. Owen later found himself disappointed even …show more content…

So that when a character finally achieves their goal they become disappointed with what they are left with and typically have wasted their entire life to reach a nearly impossible goal. One of the biggest perils in life is not to become consumed by the obsession of achieving the near impossible. Many have fallen trap to it and the only part of their life they can focus on is achieving a nearly impossible goal. They become so obsessed that they don’t realize how much time has passed them or what happens to the people who they used to be surrounded by. By the time they realize their mistake, they have lost the people they love and care about and sweet precious time with those people. Those who were once so occupied by achieving these goals became lost, and found themselves in a new world filled with loneliness and

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