The Biased Eye Analysis

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The Biased Eye goes on to tell you how you are bias and don't even know it. You are raised being bias and you know no difference. By watching the WWYD videos I have came up with three ways people are bias to your peers and don't even know it. The first is bike thief, then autism in restraints, and finally children on leashes.

The bike thief is probably the most noticeable that people are being the most bias. In the first seen you see a white male that is sawing the chain that is holding the bike in place and only a few people stop and just question him and even go as far as asking him if this is his bike and he flat out said "No this in not my bike". In the second seen you see a black male that is doing the same thing and the first person that walks by stops and asked him it the bike was his and the black man said no. The woman began to yell at him then called 911. In the final seen you see that the have replaced the black man with a blond white woman. In this seen you see a few men help her cut the chain and in the poses she would say that she is steeling the bike and them men still proceed to help her. …show more content…

The family replies with "We are sorry. He has autism". You stand up and loom in the shadows and devise a feasible plan then look at the brawny and dolt man that is yelling at the family, telling them to leave, and you walk over to him and tell him to shut up and you make him cower in the corner. You have now grouped yourself in a group that supports the family and feel sympathy for them. You are also grouping the man that is yelling at the family as hating autistic people but maybe he is just having a bad day. Maybe his dog died or he just got fired from his job. You never

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