The Better Story Life Of Pi

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The Better Story: Fictional Tale of Survival The novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel emphasizes on the fictional “better story”. Pi tells two different stories for the sinking of the TSIMSTUM, but none actually explain why it sank. The two stories are quite controversial and really make the reader question what is fact from fiction. The better story is filled with flowery details to mask the real facts; a fictional tale Pi uses to cope with his suffering. The better story includes an imaginary island, a hallucinated carnivorous sailor, and reveals that the “animals” are actually people. It is evident that Pi came up with “the better story” to cope with the traumatic events that took place. Pi stumbles upon a mysterious island, appearing to be an uninhabited paradise. “…my grim decision was taken I preferred to set off and perish in search of my own kind than to live a lonely half-life of physical comfort and spiritual death on this murderous island.” (Martel 357) On the island, Pi finds human teeth which makes him realize that the island seems too good to be true, it lures people in, ...

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