The Benefit of Prayer Towards the Muslims

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The Benefit of Prayer Towards The Muslims

Prayer (Salat) is one of the main obligations with Allah has ordained on His servants. Prayer in the Arabic language it means du’aa. In Islamically, it means to worship Allah through certain known and prescribed sayings and actions starting with Takbeer, and ending with Tasleem. Yet, Takbeer is the Arabic terms for the pharase Allahu Akbar and Tasleem means the concluding portion of the Muslims prayer, where one recites “Assalaaamu’alaykum wa rahmatu-Allah” once while facing the right, and once while facing the left. Then, Prayer is one of the five fundamental requirements that a Muslim is obligated to perform and given the highest priority in the Holy Quran. In addition, prayer also is a religious observance that believers are commanded to perform throughout the course of their lives, the times of which have been stipulated. Such as, praying five times a day is Morning (Fajr), Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha’. There are many benefits of Prayer described in the Holy Quran. It is enjoined on the Muslims as an obligatory act by Allah as can be noted from the following verses of the Holy Quran ;
“Establish regular prayers at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer”.
The results also prove the benefit of prayer towards the Muslims has implied wisdom of human in physically and mentally, there are prayer provides a direct connection to Allah, nourish the body, assert discipline among Muslims, helps the believer avoid bad deeds, and get blessing of life from Allah.

Prayer provides a direct connection to Allah
First of all, the benefit of prayer is prayer provides a direct connection to Allah. Many effects in physically and mentally that Muslims can get...

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...s of prayer, it is then best for the Muslims to strive hard to pray properly. The Muslims have to pray in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah (PBUH), every time they pray, they shoud focus their attention on Allah. They should pray wholeheartedly and sincerely to Allah to seek His Plessure and Forgiveness. They have to remember that Allah has given them twenty-four hours a day and He only commands them to performs five times obligatory prayers that take only a total of approximately one hour. The Muslims should be know the benefit of prayer and how to practice prayer to their life to get the beneficial lifes. So, for those new to Islam, setting off on a journey of prayer will bring great benefits. The greatest one of all is that it will help us to put our lives into perspective, seeing that all things come from Allah and that it is to Allah that all will return.

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