The Bell Jar Comparative Essay

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“Identity cannot be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go” – Doug Cooper. This quote symbolizes the courage it takes for people to find themselves; this is precisely the theme in “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “The story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin. The main characters in these readings had to go through hell in an attempt to break the chains that society created against women. These women symbolize the will of women back in the nineteenth and twentieth century’s. In “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath the main character Esther comes into the novel not knowing who she is; she comes into New York City she says, “I felt very still and very empty, the …show more content…

She found out that Buddy was cheating on her for over three months with a girl he had met, but in the twentieth century; the man was allowed to go explore his options even when in a committed relationship, a man could have sexual intercourse with dozens of women and not be shamed for it. If a woman, on the other hand, has sexual intercourse outside marriage even just once then she is a whore. Her virginity is holding Esther back from becoming the woman she wants to be, it is preventing her from being free. In “The story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin; the main character Louise had been feeling oppressed with the marriage she was in, feeling trapped in this prison called marriage. She could not be herself, she had to be what society wanted her to be, society wanted her to conform to the standards of women. Only when Louise hears that her husband had died in a train wreck does she feel free. Only then does she actually start to be happy, that it is a sign for the better. She can finally be herself without anyone punishing her or judging her. The same is true in “The Bell Jar”, where Esther finally loses her virginity to a man named Irwin. It is a sign of individuality; she is finally developing her own

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