The Battle against Time

1422 Words3 Pages

Learning many skills and techniques from different professors, I believe that I have obtained skills that are beneficial to school, studies, and life. Two semesters of English in college has prepared me more than my four years of English in high school; I have become more confident in both reading and writing. As an immigrant, English became my second language. Although I had a hard and long time adopting the new language, I managed to learn it after a few years. However, I still had room for improvement as a writer and reader. English 1A, my first real English class, gave me a lot on my plate. I was unaware of my professor’s requirements when it came to writing tasks and skills. After a full course with my professor, I have improved drastically with one technique that I acknowledged in her class. Her technique was to criticize a student’s essay harshly and give out below average grades. Thus, she raises awareness to her students that they need to improve if they want a decent grade. Students were given a chance to revise their essays to receive a higher grade. Based on the informative feedbacks left by the professor, a majority of the students were able to identify their mistakes, and revamp their essays into a masterpiece. Due to the low scores and crude comments, students often feel aggravated and tend to ignore it after. However, the feedbacks are useful and continue to give me an opportunity to learn and improve myself as a writer in the future.
Some students have tricks and preferences when it comes to writing essays while I feel that procrastination generates a good quality essay. I prefer to write out essays last minute, usually the night before it was due, because I enjoy the pressure when I’m racing against the clock. T...

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...e expectations are for a college level essay. Most of the students, including myself, typically despise writing because students are not properly taught how improve the right writing techniques. Students should still continue to use their critical thinking reading and writing skills because it will beneficial when they go to college or find jobs. With many different expectations from many college courses, students should try to master their critical reading skills because it will help them analyze and have a more in-depth understanding of the text. In order to improve their writing skills, students must get assistance from their professors, friends or the writing center. By reading aloud repetitively and spotting little mistakes, it will improve a student’s writing. In order to be successful in school and everyday life, students must use these necessary procedures.

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