The Battle Between Science and Religion: The God of the Gaps Theory by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

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Imagine a world where many people are not born the way they are just by chance, but by design. Not a design by a god but by men. What is one of the most common science fiction topics? Well thanks to scientific advancement people can start moving cloning more into science and less into fiction. Thanks to the impeccable work of many scientists across the world the world is moving forward in many ways. But it begs the question, what limits do politicians have to place on science? Is best to let them have free reign over their domain, as politicians have on their own, or do they need to be tethered? Because of the advancements in communications, the world culture is becoming less and less divisible, so anything in one country effects the rest of the world more and more every day. What is coming in the future, and is the human race overstepping its boundaries? There are many concerns to be faced in the future that are coming.
The battle between sciences and religion has been waged for as long as people have wanted to know what makes the world around work. Some may have turned to faith; because they couldn’t figure out how exactly it works, drawing on the ‘god of the gaps’ theory. The god of the gaps theory is endorsed by Neil DeGrasse Tyson as being how people have always ascribed what they, at that time, could not understand to God. "God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance that's getting smaller and smaller and smaller as time goes on" Saying that because they could not understand it, no one could because it must have been God’s domain. But in the modern world those ‘gaps’ are growing smaller and smaller, one of those gaps is, however, the “soul”. One of the major arguments from the religious community is ...

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...nd advantages to be found in the world of cloning. Will it be as good as promised? Will man eventually achieve immortality? Will man conquer God’s realm? Only the future will tell.

Works Cited

Klose, Stephanie. "Pop Culture Advisory: Cloning." Library Journal Reviews. Library Journal, 5 aaaa July 2013. Web. 22 May 2014.

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“Molecular and Cellular Cloning - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. Boundless, n.d. Web. aaaaa 22 May 2014.

"Semi-Solid Cloning with ClonaCell™ Methylcellulose-Based Cell Culture Media." Semi-Solid aaaa Cloning. Stemcell Technologies, n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.

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