The Bass And Sheila Mant Summary

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I am reading “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant”, by W.D. Wetherell, and I am on page three. The story is about a boy who loves fishing. He has a neighbor who he thinks is really cute. Every time Sheila is sunbathing he likes to show off by swimming laps and diving off of the diving board. One day he got the guts to ask her out. He invites he to a music concert. He brings her to the concert by canoe, because he isn’t old enough to drive. He gets to know Sheila a little more, and Sheila states that she doesn’t like fishing. While he is bringing Sheila to the concert he gets a huge bass on his line and he has to choose between Sheila and the bass. In this journal I will be questioning and connecting. Will the boy choose Sheila or …show more content…

Sheila could fall in love with the boy and they could live happily ever after for the rest of their lives. Another option the boy has is to choose the fish. One reason he could choose the fish is, because it is the biggest fish he has ever caught. He was incredibly excited when he heard the snag of the line and he saw the bend of the pole. Another reason he would choose the fish is, because he is an avid fisherman. He always has a pole in his hand and he knows the lake very well. All in all the boy has a very difficult decision to make. Like in the story I had to make a difficult decision to make. The narrator had a hard time making a decision. He had to choose between the girl of his dreams and possibly the biggest bass he has ever caught. He chose the girl. He cut the line of the fishing pole, and let the bass free. When he got to the concert Sheila left him for another guy. The narrator regretted the decision he made of letting the fish go all summer. Like the narrator I also had to make a difficult decision. One day I got home from school and as usual I checked the messages on the answering machine. The first message was

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