The Azande Research Paper

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1. The Azande are a group of people that live on the Nile-Congo line. They are huge believers in witchcraft, oracles, magic, and other ritual performances. The Azande believe that witches can bring harm to them through psychic acts. The Azande believe that if something atrocious happens to them that the witches are the ones accountable. It can be a colossal coincidence that they got hurt or sick, but they hold the witches accountable for everything undesirable. In Zandeland an old granary collapsed. It killed and injured many that were underneath it. They blamed it on witchcraft, but things like this would happen all the time, in Zandeland and can happen now in the present day. If something like this occurred today, witchcraft would not …show more content…

Heraclitus is a strong believer in flux. He explains that the perceptible world is flux, but he is also saying you are free but with some kind of restraint. Heraclitus is saying that you are free to do whatever you want in the world, but they are certain rules and guidelines you have to follow in the world. So therefore you are not as free as you think you are. An example that everyone always comes back to is freedom of speech. In this country you are free to say whatever you want according to the first amendment, but you can go to jail for doing so. If you are in the city of Chicago participating in a protest you can get arrested for disruption. You can have freedom but within a certain limit. This can get in the way of having a perceptible world. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and he had to break a lot of laws to get to where we are today. Flux absolutely came first there was a time when laws were non-existent. People had common-sense to know what was right and wrong, but there was not a law to say they could not commit certain actions. It is common-sense to try to understand human law so we can all be on the same terms. If some people do not agree with human laws the world can get messy. We need to all understand each other to live

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