The Aviator The Movie Analysis

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"The Aviator" is a movie focused on the life of Howard Hughes and his progressively growing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD is "a disorder in which a person has recurrent and unwanted thoughts and/or a need to perform repetitive and rigid actions" (page 37.) “Obsessions are persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced repetitively, feels intrusive, and causes anxiety. Compulsions are repetitive and rigid behaviors or mental acts that people feel they must perform to prevent or reduce anxiety”. (Textbook p. 38) Hughes's OCD caused Maladaptive Behaviors such as constantly washing his hands after any type of contact. Maladaptive compulsions Hughes experienced the most was repeating words or phrases. These compulsions would …show more content…

Hughes always had to have the prettiest women accompany him. He would always have a high-profile girlfriend, and if he went out somewhere, he always had a new girl with him to show off. Every time Hughes would go somewhere, cameras followed. Every time a camera flashed, Hughes had the same mental picture of blindingly bright lights flashing, following with imaginary lightbulbs falling onto the ground. Every step Hughes took, a light bulb managed to be under his feet, being shattered with each step taken. Hughes obsessiveness costed him millions of dollars. When "Hells Angels" was first shot, the total spent for the film was 2 million dollars (inflation from 1930 to 2017 would estimate at $28,849,473.68). When Hell's Angels first released, sound was becoming popular on film, so Hughes decided to reshoot the whole movie. The cost didn't matter to him, nor did the reward, Hughes had a picture in his mind and the picture had to become painted. During the process of making the rendition of Hells Angels, 3 pilots lost their lives due to plane collisions, and an extra 4 million dollars was spent to complete the filming of Hells Angels. This occurred because of the negligence on Hughes part for wanting to make the film perfect by any means …show more content…

Hughes had to get bathed a certain way by her, with a black colored soap. This was the same exact soap that Howard carried around with him to avoid using public restroom soap as an adult. His mother had also warned him of an epidemic and informed Hughes that he is not safe when he was a young boy. During the filming process of the first Hells Angels movie, a director asks Hughes when they are going to film in Texas, in which Hughes responds with "When do we go to Houston? We don’t. Cholera epidemic in 1913. 2000 dead, whole place is pestilential swamp. Typhus, malaria, cholera, yellow fever. You name it they got it". Even though Howard Hughes's childhood wasn’t a focal point in the movie, it established the roots to his compulsive

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