The Avenger Persuasive Speech

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The most ambitious villain is Loki. He was ranked as IGN's 8th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time. Loki is an antoganist in the movie "The avengers" and he is against the Hero, Thor. Loki is obviously an extreme enemy in the movie, he's persuading everyone about something that's not even true, he is an absolute different character than his brother, and he wants to be treated the way his brother was treated in the past.

Loki wants to influence everyone to believe negative for his good.

“I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. [...] I come with glad tidings of a world made free. [...] Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your will know peace.„

~ Loki, to Nick Fury, after he arrived to Earth

Loki's intention is to notify everyone that peace is impossible to attain, once everyone accepts that, there will be peace. Even though it is possible to achieve peace, Loki is just trying to persuade everyone that it is possible so that he can eventually take over the world. : Loki has always been wanting to take over the world, and he eventually will with the help of his friends from outerspace. …show more content…

Thor is a hero, he is working to defeat his brother from doing harm to the world. On the other hand, Loki is a villain, trying to destroy the world. Thor is basically spending his whole life trying to vanquish Loki, but Thor isn't doing alone. He has the help of more superheros, for instance, Captain America, Iron Man, Black widow, and more. All these superheros have different powers that all go well together, while Loki only has the help of strange powerless aliens. Without the help of these heroes, Thor would not be able to conquer his

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