Double Standards and Gender Roles in Society

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Double Standards in Society Society is more satisfactory to men than it is for women, but there are areas in which women have the upper hand against men. While years ago girls were not allowed to do the things men did, and it is now more acceptable in society for women to do some of the same things as men. We have a vast issue with double standards and gender roles. When did it become okay for society to frown upon men or women just because they did something that is not accepted in this society that we live in? Or for it to be okay to put blame on the opposite gender just because of an action they took when it was also equally the opposing genders doing. It does not matter what the issue is but either men or women will have the upper hand, …show more content…

We live in a world where it is okay to discriminate against a certain gender more than the other because of an action that was taken, double standards will always be a big issue in female vs. male gender roles, even though we now have more and more public figures addressing these issues we still …show more content…

A lot of the times what women wear is sexualized, just because a girl is dressed a certain way doesn 't mean that she wants to hook-up with someone or that she is “asking for it”. The way a girl dresses doesn 't have to have a hidden meaning behind it, maybe that 's just what she feels comfortable in. Women are expected to dress respectfully at all times while men can wear whatever they want and there would be no problem with it. Pictures that are posted on social media get different reactions depending on which gender posted it, while there are some things that should not be uploaded for everyone to see, it does not change the fact that we cannot control the reaction that is received. “The idea is that women should look nice and well put-together without turning anyone on, or reminding anyone of sex.” (Throwbridge) We can 't control what others think of when they see us, if their thoughts automatically jump to something sexual we are not to blame. If a guy is wearing shorts with no shirt doesn 't mean there is a hidden meaning behind his choice of clothing, it is in they way you interpret it. Even then, you should not act on your thoughts, just because you believe something does not mean that it is right. As a nation, we need to take the step to stop

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