The Aryan And The Semite Analysis

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Racism is the most well known and one of the most important tenants of Nazism. While not every Nazi held the same views, in fact it is fair to say some Nazis did not personally hold racist views. However, the racist aspects of Nazism came from Hitler’s own racist views and anti-Semitic sentiments. As per Hitler’s historical perceptions, the natural state for all organisms is a struggle between the superior races and the inferior races. It is from this aspect that Hitler applied his own anti-Semitism. In his view, the Jew was the complete opposite of the German; Jews were an affront to German superiority. Thus, the German people and the Jewish people are in a constant state of struggle. There is much debate surrounding if Hitler felt, from the …show more content…

In this article the author J. W. Jackson lays out what an Aryan is and what a Semite is, “In truth, if the Semite represents the man of the South, with his moral exaltation and his theological mission, and the Aryan, in contradistinction, represents the man of the North, with his intellectual expansion and his consequent aptitude foe literature, science, and art.” This article, of course, is in the context of Europe, meaning that Northern Caucasian Europeans are descendance of Aryans while Southern Caucasian, or otherwise, are descendance of the Semites. The Article goes on to describe that the Aryans and the Jews are antagonists of each other and thus are found on the “moral and physical battlefield.” This article shows that Hitler was not alone in his ideas of the Aryans and Jews. However, it also shows that Hitler’s ideas were not necessarily his own as the article predates Hitler’s birth in 1889. Between Jackson and Hitler, we are only able to get a very vague idea of who the Aryans were and to this day there is not a definitive description of an Aryan. Hitler would spend a lot of time trying to define the exact racial features of an Aryan. At most, we are able to determine that Hitler’s Aryan would have been of ancient Nordic descent. A 1996 article in the journal of Social Scientists, Romilla Thapar explains “if the European Aryans were indigenous to northern Europe then the Nordic blonde was the prototype Aryan.” In this, Thapar is explaining a 19th century theory that attempted to explain the formation of the “Superior European race” separate for the Middle Eastern Biblical explanation. However, there still is no distinction between an Aryan or any other race besides blonde hair and fine skin. This is because Hitler’s concept of the racial Aryans may have never existed, as explained in historian Fred

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