The Argument In Favor Of Gun Control In America

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Being in favor of gun control won’t make anyone a bad person who follows a person with power and obeying what they say. Being in favor of gun control doesn’t make anyone a bad person, it simply shows that one is in favor of self defense or protection. In this bumper sticker, “all in a favor of gun control, raise your right arm.” The bumper sticker has a picture of Hitler with his right arm raised. People have different views when it comes to gun safety, laws and regulations.
Having strict gun control laws, to most americans it feels like a right is being taking away from them. The right to bear arms being taking away, feels un american to most people. Though many mass shootings have happened over the years: people are afraid that some crazy person is able to easily obtain a gun, and start to pull the trigger. People need to know that not anyone person can get a gun. Being in a favor of gun control people think that it would result in less violent shootings all across America. The logic in gun control is people's safety. However, people who oppose gun control would claim: having guns is safe, can prevent mass …show more content…

Gun control laws is something that the government must pass. People's “irrational fear” of mass shootings have become a reality. The case with James Holmes, he was clearly not sane and for him it was very easily to obtain guns, armor, ammunition. Fearing that people just like James Holmes are able to get guns this easy is scary. Gun control doesn’t necessarily mean giving up peoples guns. It just means that it will be harder to obtain guns. Also getting rid of Automatic guns will help with the reassurance of these types of guns are of the streets. Safety, knowing a person can go to a theater without the fear of shooter. Anywhere they go and knowing theyre safe is what people want when they talk about gun

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